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Publication in the community "Interesting news"

fbc44d2fd2007d34716d8985c490ff41.jpgI n April a New York fried-chicken shop went viral. It was not the food at Sansan Chicken East Village that captured the world’s imagination, but the service. Diners found an assistant from the Philippines running the till via video link.

The service is provided by Happy Cashier, which connects American firms with Filipino workers. Chi Zhang set up the business after his restaurant failed during the covid-19 pandemic. He says that overseas workers also answer phone calls and monitor security-camera footage—doing so at a fraction of the cost of locals.

The country’s gratuity madness may soon calm, so long as Donald Trump does not get his way

It is tempting to tax them during their lives. It is wiser to do so after their deaths

A weakened Narendra Modi is bad news for investors in government-controlled firms

The country’s gratuity madness may soon calm, so long as Donald Trump does not get his way

It is tempting to tax them during their lives. It is wiser to do so after their deaths

A weakened Narendra Modi is bad news for investors in government-controlled firms

The continent is failing to adapt to a renewables boom

Investors are willing to follow whichever narrative paints the rosiest picture

The country’s next prime minister faces a brutal fiscal crunch

A source: www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/06/24/will-services-make-the-world-rich
