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Publication in the community "Interesting news"

0a93fba92a1105e1e7715558df3976e0.jpgA CROSS CABINET tables, boardrooms and diplomatic missions this week, one topic of discussion has overshadowed all others. The sweeping victory of Donald Trump and the Republican Party in America’s elections will give huge powers to an impulsive president with unorthodox economic beliefs and a belligerent approach to negotiation. Bigwigs in government and business all over are scrambling to analyse the consequences—for America and for the rest of the world.

Existing measures of discomfort are failing to predict elections

Indicators of market volatility have plunged

Rich countries need not reinvent the wheel

We take a look at the leading contenders for the job

Are bitcoin bros right to be so thrilled by Donald Trump’s victory?

Donald Trump’s policies could send the greenback soaring

Trumponomics tees off

It shows how far Donald Trump is willing to go to dominate the machinery of government

Yet the party’s grip on power could be less reliable than it appears

Risks abound in the limbo between now and Donald Trump’s swearing-in 

Loyalty, competence and an appetite for disruption are among the traits he is filtering for

But some companies will be hit much harder than others


A source: www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/11/14/china-europe-mexico-the-biggest-losers-from-trumponomics
