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Publication in the community "Interesting news"

efb98a427a84551f0e8ea08e4e2c9eae.jpgO ENOPHILES, ART aficionados, petrolheads and all those who like the finer things in life have, alas, not had the best year. The prices of their luxury assets have tanked. An investor who put their money into art at the beginning of 2024 lost on average 16% by the end of November, according to the All Art index, a measure assembled by Art Market Research, which tracks sales at auction. Those who invested in fine wine lost about 11% over the same period, according to the Liv-ex Fine Wine 1000 gauge—the closest thing to a global benchmark for the wine industry. The price of diamonds has dropped by almost 20% and those of collectible cars are more or less flat.

A new book by Byrne Hobart and Tobias Huber argues there are advantages to financial mania

He will face challenges from both America firsters and conservative mainstreamers

Shareholders are over the moon; bondholders are readying the whip hand

Policymakers at home and abroad are anxious about offshoring

India’s most consequential finance minister, who later became PM, has died aged 92

We crunch the numbers to assess just how euphoric investors became in 2024


A source: www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/12/27/why-fine-wine-and-fancy-art-have-slumped-this-year
