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Publication in the community "Interesting news"

c97a4b12dcdd48629d0a301ddc1ec9ec.jpgE urope’s divisions were once simple. Fiscal policy and sunshine? That was a north-south carve-up: grey, abstemious north; sparkling, spendthrift south. Migration and wealth? Newcomers were mostly tolerated in the rich west and despised in the poor east. Only the wine-beer-vodka spectrum, which produced a twice-diagonal split, was more complex. When crisis struck, these familiar dividing lines helped. Predictable splits are easier to manage.

The market is at its hottest in years—and a shadow of its former self

The economics of buying new territory

Authorities have responded by bossing around investors

Production slowdowns, more imports and pricier housing could follow

A new book by Byrne Hobart and Tobias Huber argues there are advantages to financial mania

He will face challenges from both America firsters and conservative mainstreamers


A source: www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2025/01/09/europe-could-be-torn-apart-by-new-divisions
