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Publication in the community "Interesting news"

fbc44d2fd2007d34716d8985c490ff41.jpgW all Street was poorly represented in the expensive seats behind Donald Trump at his inauguration. That honour fell instead to the leaders of America’s technology industry, who turned up en masse. Was this a humbling exclusion? Not quite. Whereas Silicon Valley travelled east to avoid retribution, Wall Street stayed away because it expects none.

How many will end up in Boaz Weinstein’s sights?

Its central bankers are increasingly hopeful

When will something break?

An enormous prize is on offer. When might it be grasped?

But it may be a while before he unleashes a universal levy

For one thing, 2024 saw the second-weakest rise in nominal GDP since the 1970s


A source: www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2025/01/23/how-american-bankers-dodged-the-maga-carnage
