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11e2f2c16fef8877d7adfaff3d03048d.jpgA cross advanced economies, the rental market is undergoing a profound change. In the years before covid-19 struck, rents were high but not growing fast: the cost of leasing a home rose by about 2% a year, according to official data. During the pandemic, rental inflation slowed and, in some cities, rents fell as landlords desperately looked for tenants.

Pity the continent’s exporters

A changing appetite for status games could play a role

Use the term, and you are almost always a bad economist or a special pleader

Nativists say that migrants raise house prices, cost money and undermine economic growth. Do they have a point?

Ideas that emerged from the University of Chicago in the 1960s changed the world. But as a new film shows, they almost didn’t

Investors are hurrying to find alternatives—but all face difficulties of their own


A source: www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2025/03/16/why-rents-are-out-of-control
