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Publication in the community "Interesting news"

c19dd6ccfe6ddd84852a15ba21f406c5.jpgI nstalling more lifts in multi-storey buildings, extending the hours of children’s clinics during flu season, encouraging foreign direct investment in camping. These are some of the ideas sprinkled throughout China’s “special action plan” to boost consumption, which was published on March 16th, a Sunday, thus extending the hours of China’s journalists.

Rich-world tenants are angry, and have reason to be

Pity the continent’s exporters

A changing appetite for status games could play a role

Use the term, and you are almost always a bad economist or a special pleader

Nativists say that migrants raise house prices, cost money and undermine economic growth. Do they have a point?

Ideas that emerged from the University of Chicago in the 1960s changed the world. But as a new film shows, they almost didn’t


A source: www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2025/03/17/can-anything-get-chinas-shoppers-to-spend
