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Publication in the community "Interesting news"

120c62ac67b015a4ad97c9c74e6fdd09.jpgA t the 39th ASEAN Roundtable, hosted by a research institute in Singapore on October 28th, the room was split. With Asia riven by an assertive China and a protectionist America, some attendees called for hard-headed thinking about trade-offs. Choices will have to be made; allegiances declared, they warned. A Donald Trump victory might, after all, bring brutal tariffs.

Treasury yields are rising ominously

Voters are starting to notice the good news just in time for the election

Will skinny still be desirable when it is more easily achieved by the masses?  

Take a long view, and shares are a lot less risky than many realise

Chinese students provide an answer

Financial fears and geopolitical tremors combine to great effect


A source: www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/10/30/donald-trump-would-leave-asia-with-only-bad-options
