
Publication in the community "Interesting news"

5eca809f96238d0fb481bfedfb7988df.jpgC laudia Winkleman, a television presenter with a helmet of shiny hair, is not a typical economics teacher. Yet students should consider her game show. Those learning outside Britain may opt for any of the 20 or so versions of “The Traitors” screened elsewhere, including a popular American option that has featured celebrities such as Deontay Wilder, a boxing great, and John Bercow, a disgraced British parliamentarian. The game, which involves lying and betrayal, is a chance to study both the theory and reality of game theory, as well as to watch the panic on the face of someone who, having decided a fake Welsh accent would make them more trustworthy, comes across a native Welsh speaker.

Bankers have plenty of reason to be hopeful

Oil prices are already at a five-month high

Pity anyone taking out a mortgage

They will also expose California’s faulty insurance market

The continent is at its most vulnerable in decades

The market is at its hottest in years—and a shadow of its former self


A source: www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2025/01/16/the-traitors-a-reality-tv-show-offers-a-useful-economics-lesson
