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REG.RU is the largest resource in Russia for the registration of domain names and the provision of hosting services, which has been operating since 2006. *

The numbers reflect the quality of the company’s work best: we have more than 3,000,000 domains in service (according to the statistical resource StatOnline.ru), every second domain in Russia is registered in REG.RU, the total number of services provided over 13 years has reached 34 million, and the number of customers totals more than 1.9 million. Our customers can register domains in more than 750 international and national domain zones, and as a confirmation of the reliability of their chosen company, REG.RU professional liability was insured by Ingosstrakh for $ 1,000,000.

We like to be at the forefront of the Internet industry because it allows us to offer the latest generation of intelligent services and products to all users, including both retail customers and partners.

REG.RU is, first of all, an ever-growing team of professionals, which is always ready to help you in the creation, maintenance and promotion of the site. And since the future is on the Internet, we suggest you create the future together!

* According to StatOnline.ru, it ranks first in the number of registered domains and hosted sites in the national zones .RU and .РФ.

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Contact Information:

Address: 443011, Russian Federation, Samara, улица Академика Павлова, 35/12

Site URL: https://www.reg.ru?rlink=reflink-603879

Email: info@reg.ru

Phone: +7(495)514-05-73  

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